"To ensure basic vision and eye health is accessible in a
professional, efficient and convenient way"
For over 10 years, Lisa has worked within a range of organisations including:
Optometry practices,
Ophthalmology clinics and
Private Orthoptic practices.
One thing was clear and unfortunately consistent across them all ...
the patients that need the most help are rarely the ones walking through
the doors because of limited access, knowledge, finances or time.
This pattern didn't sit well with our Director, Lisa Raad so she started
Pinpoint Vision!
Pinpoint Vision was established to address the growing concerns of
visual health and information processing difficulties among children
and adults, in an affordable and convenient way - offering "Sight on-Site" and Vision Therapy programs at schools, workplaces and specialty allied health practices across Greater Sydney.
Pinpoint Vision is also a registered NDIS provider and recognised with all major private health insurance companies for Orthoptic Vision Therapy.