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Amblyopia / Lazy Eye

Amblyopia is a developmental vision disorder of the eye, in which normal visual acuity is not achieved. An amblyopic eye presents with decreased vision that does not improve with glasses or contact lenses. It begins as an infant or during early childhood and generally occurs in one eye, though it is possible to occur bilaterally (both eyes).


Amblyopia is the result of a barrier to clear vision from the eyes to the brain which causes the brain to ignore information being sent from this weaker/blurrier eye. 


Barriers can include:

  • a difference in prescription between the two eyes

  • an eye turn, and 

  • a congenital cataract.


It's important to note that Amblyopia is not corrected with glasses and can be present with or without a Strabismus (eye turn).


Patching is the most common form of Orthoptics treatment for Amblyopia which focuses on getting the brain to use the weaker eye. Patching is only one of many activities that is used in Vision Therapy for treating Amblyopia and strengthening the eye(s).


In certain cases, where patching isn't working or the patient isn't patching properly, eye drops may be prescribed which temporarily blur the vision in the stronger eye, forcing the brain to use the weaker eye. 

Amblyopia image

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